Camp Water and Wastewater Facilities Coordination and Compliance

Oversaw water and wastewater management projects across multiple camps, focusing on regulatory compliance, safety enhancements, and operational efficiency, while managing contractor performance and infrastructure upgrades.

Canadian Natural Resources

In the role of a subject matter expert on water and wastewater, responsibilities began with conducting thorough field assessments and contributing to the development of technical sections for Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for camp facilities. This expertise led to an expanded role as Camp Facilities Coordinator. In this capacity, the focus was on overseeing contractor compliance with legislative requirements, auditing their performance against established Service Level Agreements, and managing a broad spectrum of tasks. These tasks included the communication of technical programs, auditing preventive maintenance plans, liaising on operational issues, and spearheading infrastructure repair and upgrade projects in collaboration with Health & Safety and Environment departments.

At Central Brintnell, efforts were initially directed towards a major project aimed at reducing water delivery costs. This project entailed analyzing historical well yields, obtaining quotes for water treatment plants, planning infrastructure improvements, and calculating the project's return on investment. Despite the project reaching an advanced stage, it was ultimately shelved due to the camp's impending closure.

The focus at South Brintnell involved conducting a field assessment that led to the reconfiguration of water treatment processes and addressing issues such as galvanic corrosion. A detailed evaluation and recommendation for upgrading the wastewater treatment facilities were made, although the camp's closure halted these plans.

At North Kirby, comprehensive field assessments focused on water and wastewater management led to identifying specific infrastructure and safety improvements. These improvements addressed kitchen upgrades, roof maintenance, and safety enhancements. Technical challenges, such as troubleshooting SCADA software for wastewater treatment, were resolved, alongside detailed planning for effluent field installation and materials procurement.

In South Kirby, the transition to centralized management necessitated detailed assessments and the development of project scopes for infrastructure repair, including water treatment upgrades and safety enhancements. This involved strategic oversight in maintaining regulatory standards and operational efficiency.

The assignment at Woodenhouse Lodge involved ensuring contractor compliance, managing infrastructure projects, and collaborating with Health & Safety and Environment departments. Projects ranged from minor repairs to significant safety enhancements.

Finally, at Pelican Camp, after conducting an initial assessment of the water and wastewater facilities, the focus shifted to ensuring contractor compliance, auditing service provider performance, and managing various infrastructure projects, including the replacement of nanofiltration membranes and construction of dormitories.

Throughout these roles, the approach was to ensure regulatory compliance, prioritize safety, and maintain operational efficiency across all projects. This included liaising with corporate offices, ensuring clear communication of technical and safety procedures, and managing preventive maintenance plans. The commitment to project management and infrastructure development was evident across all camps, highlighting a consistent and methodical approach to addressing the diverse challenges and requirements encountered.

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