Central Brintnell Camp

Conducted water and wastewater infrastructure field assessments, developed RFP for utilities service provider, and continued as camp facilities coordinator.

Canadian Natural Resources

Initially tasked as a subject matter expert, the responsibility included conducting field assessments and reporting findings which led to the authoring of technical sections for a new Request for Proposals (RFP) for camp facilities. The role expanded to Camp Facilities Coordinator, overseeing contractor compliance with legislative requirements and auditing their performance against Service Level Agreements. This role entailed a broad range of responsibilities including communicating technical programs, auditing preventive maintenance plans, liaising with corporate offices on operational issues, and developing infrastructure repair and upgrade projects in collaboration with Health & Safety and Environment departments.

The first major project aimed at reducing the costs associated with water delivery involved several steps:

  1. Analysis of historical well yields and hydrogeological profiles to identify potential new well sites.
  2. Obtaining quotes for water treatment plants and estimating costs for well drilling and raw water main construction.
  3. Planning the construction of a water treatment plant, including infrastructure to convert an existing storage tank for fire system use, improve water distribution, and enhance the site's aesthetics.
  4. Calculating a return on investment with a payback period of 1.25 years for the capital expenditure involved.

Despite advancing to a late stage, the project was ultimately cancelled due to the impending closure of the camp within a year.

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