North Kirby Camp

Conducted detailed field assessment on water and wastewater management led to significant technical contributions to a new Camp Facilities RFP and the role of Camp Facilities Coordinator overseeing compliance, safety, maintenance and completion of minor projects.

Canadian Natural Resources

At North Kirby Camp, a comprehensive field assessment was conducted focusing on water and wastewater management, leading to the development of technical sections for a new Camp Facilities Request for Proposal (RFP). The role of Camp Facilities Coordinator was subsequently assumed, overseeing contractor adherence to site approval and provincial regulations, auditing performance through Service Level Agreements, and ensuring communication of technical programs, procedures, and safety issues. This included review of preventive maintenance plans, liaison with the head office on operational concerns, development of project scopes for infrastructure repairs and upgrades, and collaboration with corporate Health & Safety and Environment during project phases.

Several specific infrastructure and safety improvements were identified, including the need for a non-vented kitchen hood solution, construction of a catwalk and extensions for safe access to A/C units, installation of a partition wall for office space usability, and the addition of a guardrail for rooftop worker safety. Maintenance issues identified included the need for roof vent seal repairs and adjustments for cold climate suitability in water heater roof vents. Additionally, improvements in the kitchen area were recommended, such as replacing linoleum flooring and installing stainless steel sheets to enhance safety and durability.

As the camp had been closed for an extended period of time, there was an issue regarding the SCADA software necessary for automatic operation for the wastewater treatment plant. Trouble-shooting the issue resulted in a requirement to reinstall the original program and reboot the entire system.

Materials procurement for the effluent field installation highlighted the requirement for top soil, peat moss, piping sections, submersible heat trace, insulation materials, construction materials for distribution boxes, cam-indexing style valves, and grass seeding among others. The engineering tasks involved the fabrication of feed boxes by third-party engineering company to ensure even effluent distribution, engineering of effluent field laterals with careful calculation for orifice sizing, and the design of ground cover reclamation following deforestation.

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