SkyAlyne's FAcT Bid Response

SkyAlyne was announced as Canada's preferred bidder for providing RCAF aircrew training over the next 20 years.


Engagement with SkyAlyne for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Future Aircrew Training (FAcT) program required attention to detail and adherence to strict deadlines within a complex, coast-to-coast project scope across Canada.

The complexity of the project necessitated effective organization through weekly meetings, Gantt, and organizational charts to align staffing requirements and proposal timelines. Coordination efforts extended to managing proposal documents on secure collaborative to facilitate team access to essential RFP documents and organizing content to meet the RFP's stringent requirements.

Efforts to harmonize the training framework with subcontractor inputs culminated in workshops and discussions aimed at integrating and refining the proposal's training design, delivery mechanisms, and maintenance plans. The process was iterative, with continuous updates, revisions, and meetings to ensure alignment with the RFP's objectives and SkyAlyne's strategic goals to meet the Performance Work Standard (PWS).

Early tasks involved discussions on pricing strategies and the development of financial bid responses into Tabular Format (TF!), a specific layout for financial bid response accepted by the Government of Canada. Financial aspects of the bid response required detailed attention to pricing strategies, subcontractor margins, and risk assessments. Meetings with key stakeholders were instrumental in aligning pricing and staffing estimates.

Throughout the engagement, the role evolved to encompass broader responsibilities, including the recovery of specific sections of the proposal and alignment with subcontractor contributions. This included updating organizational charts, refining staffing estimates, and ensuring consistency across various sections of the proposal. Cross-functional teams tasked with updating PWS response documentation, translated complex technical data into a compelling and comprehensive proposal narrative. This process was iterative, with continuous updates, revisions, and meetings to align closely with the RFP's objectives and SkyAlyne's strategic goals.

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